
F-19 Stealth Fighter

This mod is a small and simple graphic and sound improvement,
featuring a freshly drawn cockpit panel for the aircraft, new RWR
type sprites for the tactical MFD screen, as well as a new original
title screen, credits screen and a one-game advert screen. The
latter is meant as a proper homage to Red Storm Rising, which was
released around the same time. And I feel the small reference in the
original screen was not enough.

I was never satisfied with the original cockpit art in F-19 Stealth
Fighter, and found it inferior even to that of Project Stealth Fighter’s
on C64. The scale of the general cockpit art compared to the
players viewpoint up close to the MFDs and HUD is just very *off.
Also, the original cartoonish symbols on the tactical MFD were also
a bit immersion-breaking. I added instead some F/A-18C RWR radar
symbols. Now you won’t see the direction an enemy aircraft is
going, nor the coloring indicating his altitude. Only that he is out
there. Unfortunately there are no discerning between friendly and
enemy aircraft contacts ingame, I cannot do much with that.
Anyway, this change should make the simulation a bit harder and
unpredictable. I think MicroProse got the cockpit art down perfectly
in the sequel F-117A Stealth Fighter 2.0, as both the VGA and EGA
panels there are impeccable. I have tried hard to maintain that
kind of art style and pilot viewpoint in this new panel, with the small
amount of pixels we have to work with.

Soundwise I have only removed the low-altitude beeper that goes
off constantly when you are trying to fly low and slow (as the
doctrine is for the F-19). You will have to pay proper attention to the
altimeter here. This mod only works for the Roland driver though.

This mod would never have been possible without generous help
from the brilliant programmer CanadianAvenger, who has
dedicated his efforts to decode the mysterious PIC format that
MicroProse used for images at the time, and its various iterations. I
am very thankful to him, and I urge you to read his excellent blog

Installation: Just extract all files to your F-19 game folder, and let
them overwrite. Backup originals in case you want them back later.

Tip: To use the Roland driver you must launch the game with the
“/AR” option, i.e. “C:\F19\F19.EXE /AR”.

PixelWings™ 2024